At Castlery, we’re committed to creating more than just furniture; we’re dedicated to building a legacy of conscious living.
In 2024, we deepened our commitment and amplified positive change by reducing our environmental footprint and advocating for a greener future.
Let’s take a closer look at our sustainability initiatives in 2024 and what our 5-year sustainability roadmap looks like.
In an effort to make intentional collaborative change throughout the organisation, 2024 was dedicated to planning and developing our five-year sustainability roadmap.
Outlined in the sustainability roadmap are our commitments — guided by UNSDGS — to help create measurable impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to help us shape our decisions and align operations with a shared purpose — delivering quality and sustainability hand in hand.
Here are some of the tangible goals we are working toward as part of our five-year commitment:
Target | Sustainability initiatives |
Minimise waste and encourage sustainable consumption | Develop sustainable packaging that maintains product protection |
Minimise waste and encourage sustainable consumption | Divert 60% of furniture waste from landfills by 2026 |
Minimise waste and encourage sustainable consumption | 20% reduction in aging products year on year |
Improve accountability in sustainability and reduce carbon footprint | Measure and report on sustainability progress with ISSB standards (International Sustainability Standards Board) by 2025 |
Improve accountability in sustainability and reduce carbon footprint | Progressively reduce our carbon footprint over the next 10 years with the support of key partnerships |
Promote responsible sourcing and ecosystem conservation | 50% responsibly sourced fibres in bedding and textiles by 2026 |
Amplify impact on sustainability targets through strategic collaborations | Partner with sustainability-focused organisations across business functions |
Amplify impact on sustainability targets through strategic collaborations | Strengthen internal sustainability competencies through learning and development |
As part of Go Green, we were proud to be a strategic partner of GREEN HOUSE 2024, Singapore's largest immersive eco-retail experience. This year, the event achieved an even bigger impact — attracting a footfall of over 17,000 and garnering approximately 4.7 million impressions.
We partnered with Pass It On Studio to upcycle five Castlery items with biocomposite materials — giving used furniture a second lease on life. Additionally, we sold preloved Castlery furniture to encourage product circularity, donating the proceeds to charity.
Baey Yam Keng (middle), the Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Sustainability and the Environment, attended Green House 2024. Picture credits: Pass It On
Green House 2024 was a huge success thanks to all the organisers and participants! Picture credits: Baey Yam Keng
Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Sustainability and the Environment Baey Yam Keng at the Orchard Flagship.
We embraced the spirit of Earth Day with a focus on this year’s global theme, “Planet vs Plastics” and participated in the Earth Day Challenge organised by Custos Technologies.
Over two weeks, our employees collectively took over 900 eco-friendly actions, from bringing reusable bags, cups, and lunch boxes to integrating more sustainable practices into their daily routines at work.
Their collective efforts paid off, with Castlery proudly emerging as the top-performing Singapore company in the challenge!
Beyond internal initiatives, we partnered with three local sustainable brands at our Orchard Flagship store: Plantitude Singapore, My Naked Bar, and The Tinkerbox.
These collaborations showcased eco-conscious alternatives for home living that merge style with sustainability. The in-store displays provided an engaging way to inspire our customers to adopt greener lifestyles while highlighting the innovation and creativity behind sustainable home solutions.
We proudly participated in Earth Hour, a global initiative led by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Alongside WWF, we collaborated with the Orchard Road Business Association (ORBA) to switch off all non-essential lights at our Orchard Flagship.
This small yet powerful gesture joined by over 80 other companies emphasised the importance of energy conservation.
To tackle warehouse waste, we partnered with recycling organisations in Singapore, sorting and processing materials to divert them from landfills.
This collaboration achieved a 25% recycling rate of our warehouse waste in Singapore, a critical step toward reducing our operational footprint.
Ease of maintenance is a cornerstone of sustainable living, and we’ve taken steps to expand our collection of products with removable covers.
Here’s a list of our furniture with removable covers across various product categories:
This design allows simple cleaning or replacement of covers, extending product usability and aligning with our vision of promoting sustainable consumption practices.
Recognising the importance of flexibility in furniture design, we launched a customisation service for our best-selling products.
With our stain-resistant fabrics, you don’t have to worry about stubborn ink stains on your couch! Pictured: The Jonathan Extended Side Chaise Sectional Sofa in Performance White Quartz Bouclé.
The Hamilton Round Chaise Sectional Sofa in Performance Cumin features a scratch-proof that prevents your furry friends from damaging the sofa.
Here’s a list of our customisable collections that feature 19 fabric options, including four pet-friendly choices that can resist scratches and fur:
By offering this level of personalisation, you can choose furniture that perfectly fits your needs and style from the beginning — minimising the likelihood of unnecessary replacements and waste by encouraging more intentional choices. Each piece is designed to fit seamlessly into your ever-changing lifestyle, standing the test of time.
In 2024, we have pledged to use low GHG fuel options through Maersk’s ECO delivery programme.
As of date, we have reduced ocean freight emissions by 5,000 metric tons, equivalent to about 2,500 cars over a year.
Through our partnership with Maersk, we aim to reduce carbon emissions progressively over the next 10 years. Depending on our shipping volume each year, we hope to reduce ocean freight emissions by at least 1,000 metric tons annually.
As we shift our focus to 2025, our sustainability mission remains stronger than ever. Building on the progress made in 2024, we are determined to push boundaries, innovate further, and deepen our commitment to a greener future.
Here’s a closer look at the key areas we’ll prioritise in the coming year.
One of our most pressing initiatives is addressing the environmental challenges posed by expanded plastics, such as styrofoam, in our packaging.
In 2025, we aim to reduce the reliance on these materials by exploring and adopting eco-friendly alternatives that provide the same protection and quality.
Additionally, we will work closely with partners to divert 60% of furniture waste from landfills by 2026.
This initiative is not just about reducing waste — it’s about reimagining how we deliver products responsibly, ensuring that every step of the process reflects our commitment to sustainability.
Empowering our customers to make sustainable choices is a cornerstone of our efforts. In 2025, we will prioritise sourcing responsible materials that ensure products are free from harmful chemicals and ethically produced, backed by trusted certifications.
These certifications give customers confidence that their purchases contribute to ethical production practices and environmental preservation.
Transparency and accountability will be at the forefront of our efforts as we launch our first-ever sustainability report.
This milestone will provide an objective, detailed overview of our environmental and social impact, showcasing the steps we’ve taken and areas we plan to improve.
More than just a report, it represents our commitment to sharing progress with our community and fostering trust through open communication.
As we conclude 2024, we’re proud of the steps we’ve taken in our sustainability journey. From hosting impactful events to embracing circularity in our processes, every initiative reflects our long-term commitment to making a positive difference.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are excited to continue building on these foundations. With a focus on reducing packaging waste, increasing our responsibly sourced product offerings, and transparently sharing our impact, we are more determined than ever to create a lasting, positive impact on the environment.